Tuesday 26 January 2010

Gorgeous or grotesque..........

well well well the be all and end all of our FdA the big show the showcase the event call it what you want.... but so far what are my thoughts on this topic erm tad annoying the time issue I would love to be able to research more and have more design time but hey ho it’s got to be done but what if it’s not as spectacular as every1s hoping am I playing it safe is t too wacky questions questions questions and how much is too much when does the gap between fantastic and kitsch become too small is it gorgeous or grotesque is there to much going on hmmm

I choose to base my collection all about designing from organic forms like truly getting in there and designing from what we don’t see looking at small flowers maximising them by 3000 times and then try and fit a ridiculous Amazonian style woman in the middle confused .. You should be ... amazed you will be watching this space!!!

Tuesday 19 January 2010


you know what I think I’m just going to go ahead and say it I think I have a little thing for Claire I don’t really know what it is or why but I just think she’s amazing. She’s so inspiring and I like how she can get excited and inspire others about there chosen subjects. I love her craziness and randomness it just amuses me I’m glad we have her coming in to help us and give us direction. it’s just nice to be able to design to showcase our talents and do what we want to do though I do like designing to certain cliental but I just love the opportunity to go wild make it crazy and amazing so looking 4ward to it all now though I’ve got some work done just don’t want to stick it in sketch book hahaha


We had a recent pprd session on branding which was fun but I don’t know really got me thinking about it like we did a little silly 1 but it definitely something to think about for future epically if I want to end up in the Enterprise Pavilion but I don’t know I shall get back to you with this branding malarchy see how it goes

Monday 11 January 2010

some very wise words

We all gain inspiration from many places, many of us do not talk about our inspirations or our dreams because we feel that we will not live up to those who inspire us and I doing so make ourselves seems smaller, concluding in the inspiration disappearing. I embrace my inspiration, and aim to be like those that inspire me Galliano, Westwood, Saab, but not only in fashion but in life there have been so many inspirational people in this world and I just hope one day people will look up to me for inspiration. Here is part of a speech from the son of Martin Luther King Jr given at the remembernece ceremony of Michael Jackson which I believe sums up my ethos in life and how I plan to love my life never thought I could find it in such well written words

"My father once said that in life, one must discover what their calling is and they must do their jobs so well that the living dead and unborn could do no better. He constantly told us to do our best, by stating that if you cannot be a pine on the top of the hill why just is a shrub in the valley. But be the best little shrub on the side of the road. Be a bush if you cannot be a tree. If you cannot be a highway, just be a trail. If you cannot be the sun, just be a star. For it isn't by the size that you win or fail, you've got to be the best at what you are. In life, if it falls to be a street sweeper, you must sweep the streets so well. In fact, you must sweep streets like Beethoven composed music. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets like Raphael painted pictures. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of the heavens and earths would have to pause and say, here lives the great street sweeper that did his house well"

Such an inspirational passage don’t you think?