Monday 15 March 2010

Welly love

God damn it I will have my wellington booties to style my collection with no matter how many people turn their noses up I was looking at the new hunter lace up willies but my tutor has given me an amazing idea into customising my own welly's got to have the classic bottle green start though but I shall post some piccys of my custom welly's when I get around to them got bigger fish to fry currently

so I eventually got round to it and here is the design I’ve come up with, only a quick simple sketch drawn up on illustrator but it’s a cut out separate tongue lace up welly eyeleted (possibly binded on the edges) with a neon mud painted on them to give them more of a retro garden feeling hope you like them I’m looking forward to playing around with them maybe styling them folded down who knows

Another Busy week

Not only was this week the big essay deadline, I know which I have failed to mention, so I’ll give you a little overview. The Fashion As a Forum topic was all based around new media use's/ technology within the exhibiting of fashion and textile.... so I choose to do mine all wrapped around are catwalk models becoming obsolete as technology progress's, as well as asking the question why are models getting even thinner as we as a nation are mid obesity crisis interesting hey? well after a very opinionated essay and very very vast research file I found I was rather a mean bean in the essay but I was just writing my thoughts and feelings towards the topic though when reading through it I did feel rather guilty.... oh well

well the rest of the week was spent ready-ing myself for second toile review and finally having the collection as presentable garments and here they are, I would of course love to have many more but at the same time I’d much rather get these ones out of the way before taking on more than I can handle rather have 5 amazing outfits then say 12 shoddy 1s fashion to me truly is quality over quantity and always will be

If your wondering were the middle outfit’s bottom is well i have an amazing multi-functional skirt that can be reverses and looks awesome talk about 2 birds with 1 stone

Monday 8 March 2010

5 is the magic number

Well well well future plans the big 5 years how do I see myself spending these years.. . . . . . Well I’m split in 2 directions I really want to launch myself in the industry starting my own business brand and label but is it the right thing to do it straight away? Is it best to go alone? Would I benefit more from an MA? These are all questions a continuously ask myself and to be honest I’m not 100% sure on the answers. No. If I do go it alone and start straight away in the self employed business side could I face it alone, well maybe, but I do know a fellow course mate that is also interested in doing the same I might talk to her see if she’d be interested in proposing a collaboration working together to get us both set up could be very successful, she is an incredible designer after all. Or should I go into the industry part time and do a part time masters degree at the same time and the a few maybe a year or 2 more just to build up my knowledge before I would brave it alone, but in my time industry would I get 2 comfortable, would I get comfortable with the money, would I get too comfortable where I was to not want to strive for this great adventure. I don’t know but suppose either way that covers the 5 year plan. Though I still haven’t decided which path to pursue but I’m sure whichever way I choose will be the right 1 for me but hey ill talk to my course mate see if she would be interested fingers crossed

Saturday 6 March 2010


probably the most boring yet vital part of fashion but I won’t lie I do love it and find it extremely helpful, allowing me to progress and exaggerate my shapes and silhouettes a lot more and I must say I believe they are looking fantastic I love them all :) let’s just hope I can get all the amendments done before 2nd toile review epp 1 week Tuesday

interview with Maria

As part of the Lectra competition not only did we get to see her show but also have an interview with her travelling to my favourite (not)place LONDON TOWN!! Had a cheeky little nose through some fabric shops, seen a beautiful fabric for £250 per metre, think that’s a tad expensive for collection. but then eventually found our way to London college of arts were it was being held and meet her and sat in on a live interview then ask her questions ourselves. i know throughout this project I’ve said I’m not a true fan of her style but I’m very impressed how she’s done it and find her a very inspirational person did you know she has had no formal training!! it’s crazy she started pattern cutting at 15 and has worked her way from their she went to LFW whereby she says she found out her most important message she learnt in life were some1 told her to go and learn some business skill, so off she went found out as much as possible for her business skills which she says has made her what the brand MGV is today. Got some very helpful tips for next year so watch out ;)