Monday 22 February 2010

Stop the press

it is true 1 is now famous (I wish) well checking out the MGV show at LFW you can see us stood in the background and also on the BBC news were also in view talk about getting papped :P

But all in all how was it..........
To me I think the thrill of the show took over me, I loved every minute I was there, seeing Yasmin Le Bon and Erin O'Connor and all the news reported Vogue and Harpers Bazaar to name a couple but then after words thinking through it I believe it was all just in the thrill, I won’t lie I got so far into it but completely lost myself. Looking back and thinking now I just see some ridiculous skinny models a beautiful collection with a few questionable sewing practices though the garments were beautiful and my main disappointment was the length of the show seemed to flash by in seconds and some of the choreography of the models needs work but the garments themselves were very attention grabbing indeed and the prints were to die for and absolutely stunning, but I did thoroughly enjoy myself and even managed to pinch a little goody bag for myself
plus how often do you get in the bbc news website and London fashion weeks website??

Wednesday 17 February 2010


I must appologise fellow bloggers i have gone on and on about collection time but havent even mentioned what my collection is actually about

Well allow me to introduce you to Anthesis or Effloresence

The State Of Perfect bloom

My collection is all based around organic forms striping everything back and taking inspiration from the things that shape our world

i did start and design a basic collection but as this is my final Project of my foundation I’m taking it to a whole new level and have my separate couture line from which I’m making and taking inspiration from its absolutely amazing

nature is perfect so why mess with it

Hartnet Hardhit??

today we had a little group session with none other than Paul Hartnet himself not only is he a trend reporter for wgsn a journalist but also completely mental I mean I applaud what he's able to do and what he does but it’s down to people like him that put upcoming designers in the gutter he willingly admits he'll go trade fairs and all sorts fashion week blah blah take pictures and then sell them on to WGSN and other which then anyone with an account can see and once it’s on there its literally a matter of weeks before you will see it in the high street store taking innovative upcoming designer work then selling their ideas so they go bust kind of disgusts me but hey.. we all know fashion is dog eat dog and he made it very clear if you don’t put any effort in you might as well save yourself the debt of uni and try something else fashion only works for the hard working and the fighters and don’t mean to be big headed but I’m going to make something of myself in this industry, tho i do applaud the man for labeling me with a 'retro-sport' look see tracky b's for the win

woah relax

Crickey it’s been a very very busy week rushing round for the toile review then the toile review itself trying something new...
For my toile review I decided to base it upon my theory essay which being Are Catwalk Models Becoming Obsolete? so did it without models well it got a mixed reaction I’ll give you that but defo was a good empirical study to back up my essay plus generally just a creative way of thinking I mean what's the point in doing everything the same I like to do things differently I like to stand out it makes things so much more interesting probing people to get a reaction I think it leaves a far better impression on the mind but overall toile review went well got some very handy advice and got to make all amendments for toile review going to be a busy boi

Friday 5 February 2010

the power of Lectra

Great opportunity as I’m doing the Lectra brief with MGV (Maria Grachvogel) she has invited us all to her show at ye olde Londion Fashion Week with a learning lunch after ohh exciting hey What a great opportunity hey I’ll let you in on the know how maybe a few sneaky pics if it’s actually going ahead

mens wear proj

we were set a wonderful challenge by Clare and Jody turning a readymade garment into another garment the original challenge was to turn it into another men’s garment but I wanted to rework it so it fitted in with my project I incorporated volume and structure into it as in my project I might actually cheekily use one for toil review as I’ve fell in love with it have a gander hope you like :)


Its official Scott has now had his 1st webinar yes people webinar and his opinions...
well the webinar itself was ran by the Lectra company but mostly about up Cumming colours for s/s'11 and to celebrate the new goings on with pantone and lectra combined shocked I was we watched a slide go round while the lady on the phone (loudspeaker obvs) talked us through it I found it quite interesting but useful hmmm I kind of knew most a bit of the presentation through my initial research but I found out my project is so on trend it’s ridiculous I was a lil disappointed that there wasn’t really much content for the Lectra enthusiast but I still would rather like a copy of the presentation *note to self email Lectra* but webinars.......... I’m going to give it an even 5 kind of unsure ill keep you updated if my opinion changes on the webinar front

Thursday 4 February 2010

Check this out lad's and lass's

Been looking at this website to get more information on fashion jobs and how to get into the jobs what the working environment is like and so on and whilst looking through the qualifications what did I come across but, none other than our very own little foundation in fashion being valued more in industry and placed higher on their qualification scale than the very own Ba in fashion but I’m guessing that a foundation with a top up to Ba is going to be a good route to head for the who knows maybe a part time work part time Ma, own business or just industry who knows?? But check it out!!