Wednesday 17 February 2010

Hartnet Hardhit??

today we had a little group session with none other than Paul Hartnet himself not only is he a trend reporter for wgsn a journalist but also completely mental I mean I applaud what he's able to do and what he does but it’s down to people like him that put upcoming designers in the gutter he willingly admits he'll go trade fairs and all sorts fashion week blah blah take pictures and then sell them on to WGSN and other which then anyone with an account can see and once it’s on there its literally a matter of weeks before you will see it in the high street store taking innovative upcoming designer work then selling their ideas so they go bust kind of disgusts me but hey.. we all know fashion is dog eat dog and he made it very clear if you don’t put any effort in you might as well save yourself the debt of uni and try something else fashion only works for the hard working and the fighters and don’t mean to be big headed but I’m going to make something of myself in this industry, tho i do applaud the man for labeling me with a 'retro-sport' look see tracky b's for the win

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