Tuesday 6 April 2010


I was a bit nervous about the big essay unit especially as we need 50% to get onto the 3rd year so we were all a bit shaken up trying to grasp onto education as much as possible. But as I previously mentioned the essay unit was based around technologies and new media and how it effect the displaying of fashion. I also choose my essay to include a pressing issue in fashion also size 0 and anorexic models - In the past female models have been gaining more and more media attention within relations to eating disorders and projecting the waif look onto our growing adolescents, yet we as a Nation are facing an obesity crisis. Seeing an increase of ‘17 percent in males’ being obese and an alarming ‘21 percent of women’. However the country is becoming more and more overweight, obese and morbidly obese, yet these barely living carcass’s are becoming exactly just that, skin and bones, androgynous flesh upon a fragile structure. Take the model that sparked off the whole size zero debate back in 2006, Luisel Ramos who died during Uruguay’s fashion week, the 22 year old collapsed during her final costume change and died despite the effort of an emergency team trying to resuscitate her. ‘At 5 foot 9 inches and less than 9 stone she had a body mass index of less than 18 the level officially described as unhealthy’, even though reports and rumours have said that at the show she weighed little more than 7 stone, the average weight of a 13 year old! As you can see I took a rather drastic attack on the models which I then went on to say that new advancements in media are taking over so is the catwalk model becoming obsolete. The essay for me was quite an accomplishment being dyslexic but I was rather pleased with it to me it even made a thrilling read was very, very active approach. My tutor love it an called me a maverick of fashion which i was mega happy about

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