Tuesday 6 April 2010

Is Sustainable fashion An issue

Sustainable fashion is part of the larger trend of sustainable design where a product is created and produced with consideration to the environmental and social impact it may have, including its "carbon footprint". According to the May 2007 Vogue it appears not to be a short-term trend but one could last multiple seasons which is very true and now more than ever is it such a prominet feature. Sustainable fashion has received frequent coverage in recent years on mainstream media and almost every fashion magazine in the UK. Fashion brands have developed marketing techniques which maximize coverage of sustainability/Eco issues, and used the appeal of their products and imagery to raise awareness about a series of critical issues, and changed consumer perceptions and behavior as a result. Fashion imagery is glamorous and enticing and is used as a means to grab attention by almost every form of media and advertising. Celebrities and top models have aligned themselves with ethical fashion, increasing its media appeal. This appeal in itself has created an opportunity for fashion to become a medium for raising awareness amongst consumers. It also makes it easier to raise awareness in the industry overall and encourage collaboration towards sustainability.

although the issues in fashion task has been covered in several posts its still covered

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