Thursday 26 November 2009

FAD a go go or a no no

well after the big ol toil review the course staff then had to sit down and choose 3 teams of 2 to enter the fad competition and well what can I say I told you before id get in and I have ok originally with a textile student but well let’s not go there due to a change in circumstance so now me and good ol hayleigh are going to be getting sent off exciting I think so shows with all the hard work and persistence it will pay off now to wait to hear back wish us luck

Tis only a toil

Toil review how did it go........ erm well in a way amazing but in another way maybe not so got lots of compliments on my work my design and everything the overall shape of my collar the focal point is gorgeous but there’s a slight hitch.... well I say slight a major 1 it doesn’t stay up on the model it keeps dropping down so to change it I’m going to reduce the size of the stand higher the body to attach the shoulder so its sitting on the shoulders to keep it up rather than just sagging and falling back on itself but I did have a very nice compliment off Sarah saying how I’m a very talented designer so props to me so I’m now in progress of redoing the pattern ready to toile again which hopefully will be perfect fingers crossed so I can crack on with constructing laser cutting beading :S epp only 2 weeks, but on a brighter side the groups jackets flow together as a collection amazingly have a gander

Illustration Illustrator

1 of my illustration boards for the fad competition drawn on illustrator without fabric swatch obvs

Cant make this collar

I’m really struggling to make this collar I’ve tried and tried started modelling on the stand made a pattern from that tried that one on the stand to find it wasn’t big enough used that and increased measurement for the stand and it still didn’t fit made it fit the stand but then was too big for the bodice this collar has been nothing but agro to me atm and with toil review not far off I’m starting feel a little anxious I’ve got 3 other toils with collars on but there are still faults with them so I’m going to toil 1 more time so have a few to show on toil review and seek advice for


I went to a business plan meeting with the promotion team and they were saying about the idea of possible creating a look book in the business plan so I was like why don’t we just make one then I no they don’t find the computer as easy to use as me so I said I’d do 1 for them so I took each designers illustrations and scanned and illustrated 1 of the other designers 1s ready for this book I also inserted a mini book inside to show further garments/ outfits that out collection DUALITY would house which overall looked in my opinion looked amazing maybe I should sight a career in book layout's ect lol

Colouring :D

Everybody knows for a successful clothing line to work u have to have different colour ways of the same garment but different coloured parts but all in the same colour palette so here’s a few I knocked up on illustrator

Scott Presents Duality

Here is my mini collection of Duality enjoy


I decided to narrow my 100 designs down into 20 and then produce a garment tech sheet for the 20 to then narrow down my collection to I thought id add this in to incorporate this into our new garment tech subject which I attend to find out more about the different areas of fashion I don’t see myself doing it in the future but it’s always wise to explore all areas of the industry


kaledo wat are my views on our new editions to modaris hmmm.........

well diaminao i must admit i love and its fun to just play around on so that gets my thumbs up but Kaledo well i dunno i love the stuff that you can create on it but im more use to illustrator which i find much eaiser to use but i going to start trying to incorporate Kaledo into my work even if its just for mood boards or spec sheets cuz if u think about it this way who knows wat programmes you going to end up having to use in industry u cant choose so guess just gotta suck it up and become an expert in all :) if i get round to it ill put some kaledo designs up soon

Reveer This

whoop whoop I finished my basic collar and reveer jacket which was a tricky thing to give us to get back into the swing of sewing but oh well I think mine turnt out pretty darn good I think tailoring is such an amazing talent but I am not doing no savile rowe shit I’m telling u now to much hand sewing lol but I think tailored jacket look so nice and I’m glad to have learnt the construction process of it but it’s all down to pin point accuracy and mega steaming to get such a pristine look I would put a picture up but I’ve left my phone cable at home so if I remember ill put 1 up after crimbo whoop so glad to have that work load off my back so now I can concentrate on my own jacket design and get that digitised in on lectra and start whizzing around in modaris on that I’m so glad uni has the lectra package from modaris, diamino and kaledo computers is really were I excel myself and the chance to use and master these packages is amazing, which is why I’m very very interested in entering this upcoming lectra competition and take full advantage of it for my collection it’s amazing!!
I have eventually decided upon a colour pallet woop wooop its a bit different from thr gruop 1 but i really like the colours and think the compliment each other as a collection plus in my opinion the board looks pretty swish 2, i dunno if the dark greens gonna really show on here :S my colours i also like to give funky name to call me sad or wat but i like doing it makes it more fun for the proj lol so there is (from top to bottom):- Dark Forest, Grey Temptation, Decadance, Deep Peppermint and Sunshine Yellow

Rookie Stix

Rookie Stix why?? I hear you ask... well
During a session of PPRD we were set a challenge of picking random items out of the mysterious box from MODiP (museum of design in plastics) and the item out group got was none other than the rookie stixs themselves we did research and had to produce a presentation ready for the afternoon. We had in our cheesy notes so hope you enjoy our little spiel Sarah ;)
Rookie stix the future

Rookie stix the future

Delightful Design

Today we choose our design in our teams ready to start pattern cutting and toiling for I can’t wait Karen and Pat choose 1 of my favourite jacket designs so I’m dead excited about the project now can’t wait to pattern cut its an area I have a deep interest in and really would like to explore and entre the industry in

for this design I am also going to include 1 of my beading designs on the collar which the beads will be in the same colour as the fabric to add detailing but nothing o prominent and in your face I also plan to laser cut a lining with 1 of my laser cutting designs not sure which 1 yet but I really like this 1 I designed the red lines are cut which will then be backed by another colour in the colour pallet which will then be engraved (black)


score yourself 1-4 on the following 4being the more often you do it
I talk to much 2
I turn up late 1
I interrupt others 2
I take up to much of the discussion space 1
I let other people carry the team 1
I always think I am in the right 2
I act as if I were the team leader 1
I like everything to stick exactly to the agenda 3
I keep going off on tangents 2
I get caught up in the details and loose the big picture 2
I have lots of ideas, but many aren’t relevant 1
I get too emotional 1
I don’t keep to the deadlines 1
total 20/ 52
guess I’m pretty good then or at least I think I am

OK i get it read

Sarah ok I think we all get it now and we no u don’t mean harry potter but those are some pretty awesome books but I’ll start reading proper things

Hot off the press

For pprd we were asked to do a presentation on our self and how we got here the things we plan on doing and I did a little PowerPoint which I didn’t get to do much to my annoyance :@ but o well I soldiered on and did it but thought put the pics up 2 :)

Me Inflated Ego :O Never....

Who am I in a team??
from the belbin types I say I was:
- an Implementer steady, reliable, sensible, gets things done, well-disciplined with an organised approach (Y)(Y) but the (N)(N) may not welcome change and new ideas, expects to much from others well I think that’s half right I’m not afraid
- a Plant creative, lateral tinker, generates ideas, enjoys looking for solutions, inventive and good at holding the big picture (Y)(Y) but again the (N)(N) inflated sense of their own genius, ignores targets and details in their own dream world does not communicate ideas well.

But if u look at all the pro's fuck me I’m good :D

All about the learning

How does learning differ from teaching? Why does one rely on the other?
To me the isn’t that big a difference it’s just the passing on of knowledge and the absorbing of knowledge but I find myself when I help others and teach them skills I’ve mastered it also helps me gain a better understanding of the teaching material and how to try explain it to other people every 1 leans differently and that’s a brilliant way I learn. they rely on each other to a certain aspect that there is always going to be someone that wants to be taught and always some1 willing to help them out so then the learner can become the teacher it’s a continuous relationship that just keeps giving

Why do I want to learn ?
I love learning and just for the reasons above and it’s also something I would think of exploring teaching like I think it must be a great feeling knowing how much u can influence and advise people to becoming what they what to being able to maximise peoples potentials in life and give them that drive and determination in life

How to make best of uni learning experience?
Turn up to everything possible and grab any extras with both hands seize all you can its only ever going to help you gain what you want to in life the thing I adore about this course is the amount of actual study time and the amount of effort you put in, I really don’t think I could be doing any other course that wouldn’t be creative like some of my friends time tables being in uni 6 hours a week id be so bored and think what would be the point in those hours I can’t for the life of me do something so boring I have to be constantly doing something plus we're paying £3225 a year to get this amazing opportunity think I’m getting my monies worth don’t you?

Comitment issues??

I have decided to try and get into the fashion committee because it’s going to help me so much and gain a further understanding into show production which from last year’s show really interested me into finding out more and what better way to do that other than to apply to be on the committee. plus for me the committee isn’t just about the experience I really believe it will help me grow as a person gain confidents be able to critically think time management and future forecasting plan all aspects of the show and build better relations with peers. furthermore I believe we can produce 1 hell of a bloody good show I mean were all so creative and unique individuals so we should celebrate that

and did I get in???


PPRD cont..

3 anxieties of 2nd year
well you know me as I don’t get stressed but anxious well maybe a little for me the 3 things I think would have to be:-
- COLLECTION - what if it doesn’t work out like I want it to

- TRYING TO HAVE ME TIME- everyone knows that you all need some time for you but what if you don’t get that time, it can seriously unmotivate you

- WHEN ITS OVER WERE NEXT - I don’t think I cud entre industry atm I’ve still got a lot of fun and experimenting to be had.

Sumthing I feel good about?
My skills and abilities I believe I’ve progressed so much and it’s just about perfecting and tweaking those little bits for example a year and a bit ago I didn’t no squat about fashion came from textiles so didn’t no much but knew I wanted to explore it and I think I’ve done a grand job progressed so much and thinking forward where do I want to go??

What makes success?
well to me ultimately me you got to be loving the thing you’re doing and its working out pretty well to me and I’m seriously enjoying it so to me what makes success other than me well persistence love wanting to improve and gain understanding, motivation and striving towards your ultimate goal NEVER SETTLE FOR SECOND BEST!

Paper plate bridge is falling down

in today’s session of pprd we were all about team building we split into teams of 5 and 6 and were challenged to build a bridge with 15 paper plates and a few cocktail sticks which was a surprising amount of fun needless to say the car passed with no trouble over our bridge ;) was a fun fun lesson

Re re re re-work

I really like the image the promoters created but I didn’t quite think it fitted in with my work 100% so I did my own little re work of it and included a floral eye to represent the 60's influence in my work which to me links it all in nicely

good ol pprd

Think of something you’ve become good at?
Moderns and pattern cutting

how did you become good at it?
Practice wanting to become better at it and getting taught it the way I learn

something’s you feel good about?
Me I love me ....... and being able to follow something through all process design to garment

what evidence do you bear this on?
Me bit well I am awesome ;) ........ Last year’s CDP unit having my outfit in the fashion show

one learning experience that went wrong and why?
some sampling in textiles a-level trying to hot glue gun netting (warning: don’t pick it up it burns and wraps around your hand ---> lots and lots or pain, and burns all over my hand!!), though I still think it’s always worth experimenting and trying new things pushing boundaries

5 people that inspire you, why they inspire you, how they became successful, what drove them, what can u learn from them?

1) Vivienne Westwood - so passionate, still pushing boundaries, she knows where she came from and hasn’t forgotten about it or thrown away her ethics in an industry where things have been very lax, she became successful by experimenting and pushing boundaries creating new twists on old principles, passion drove her and a want to change things, always try pushing boundaries they are there to be broken.

2) Lady GaGa - she never gave up trying to become what she is and her uniqueness, she’s sexy weird and wonderful I love her, she kept getting knocked back and did what every she cud just to get to play her music even go go dancing in clubs just to get air time in the clubs, passion and believing in herself, take on her spirit things might not work out the way u want them to so change it!! live the life you want to lead

3) ME, Myself - my chilled outlook on things but at the same time still be able to get things done, just wait 1 day I will be, my friends my family and me, don’t change who u are to please others and don’t let things stress you out making yourself stressed is stupid and I don’t have time for stupidity when I’m having this much fun

4)Ralph Waldo Emerson - his ability to influence and inspire others inspiring young minds to look for a new start, a beauty, a mystery, giving perennial inspiration leading people on new paths and giving them new hop, teaching his theory’s and thoughts his books, the ability to inspire people

5)Muhammad Ali - he refused to go to war and had his boxing title's and his boxing licence suspended just because he stuck up for what he believed in, worked his way up to the top to become 1 of the greatest heavy weight boxing champ of all time, never forget your beliefs


Having had another group meeting we have all decided on the name for our collection for traces...... we are Duality to us is all about conflict and contrast and I think this project is going to be amazing I’m so glad that all of us get along and there's no arguments or anything we all just gel nicely which is why I think our team is so successful when looking at the work we are producing as well it amazes’ me compared to last year looking at our current work its allot more stylish more professional looking and sleek and I think the promoters have done a fantastic job on producing the concept board and customer profile they still have more to do but I really think this project is going to be a booming success


crikey there’s so many project on the go at 1 time not sure how they’re all going to flow we’ve got this group project which were not even timetabled for :@ then this jacket project then a learning agreement and then the blog on top of it coor blimey seems allot of work to me, though I aren’t going to stress there’s no point it’s all do-able just a lil time management got to get better so wish me luck (Y)

1st meeting

we had a group meeting and decided that we're all heading along the same kind of line like a good versus evil type of thing for me I interpreted the brief as memories of us as people and looking though history for inspirations as you have to do with fashion and I came across the 60s a time of war dictatorship and all terrible thing going on which lead to the hippy movement of taking a bright outlook on harsh times which to me we are having with this recession the Iraq war and people still in grieving over 9/11. To me nothing yet has come to give us a bright outlook on this bleak time so I have taken a personal responsibility that our collections we be the bright outlook through the media of fashion go me whoop whoop:D


Being back at uni we were thrown straight in the deep end and given this group live project for this term. The live project give us the opportunity to enter our work at the end if the tutors think it’s up to scratch to showcase the university, and I’m going to be entered I can tell you that now :p, The competition is run by FAD which help young aspiring creative people help promote themselves and showcase their work. The fad brief traces is based on the topic of traces and memories and after being split into a team of 5 consisting of designers and promoters (designers: myself obviously, the wonderful phiillipa and the love'er'ly Laura, Promoters: the minx Hayleigh and the amazing Nancy). We will meet soon an discuss and make plans and share ideas to create something amazing, I assure you

A fine summers project

Over the summer we were set a Research project on jackets so I drew up some basic shapes on illustrator as a starting point thought it looked cool so give u guys the chance to see :) the rest of the summer project for me involved trend research, colour research, fabric research, shop reports, S.W.O.T analysis of shops, then I took a jacket apart made the pattern piece from the jacket itself produced a lay plan and produced a garment tech sheet just to show I haven’t lost any of my skills ;)