Thursday 26 November 2009

Reveer This

whoop whoop I finished my basic collar and reveer jacket which was a tricky thing to give us to get back into the swing of sewing but oh well I think mine turnt out pretty darn good I think tailoring is such an amazing talent but I am not doing no savile rowe shit I’m telling u now to much hand sewing lol but I think tailored jacket look so nice and I’m glad to have learnt the construction process of it but it’s all down to pin point accuracy and mega steaming to get such a pristine look I would put a picture up but I’ve left my phone cable at home so if I remember ill put 1 up after crimbo whoop so glad to have that work load off my back so now I can concentrate on my own jacket design and get that digitised in on lectra and start whizzing around in modaris on that I’m so glad uni has the lectra package from modaris, diamino and kaledo computers is really were I excel myself and the chance to use and master these packages is amazing, which is why I’m very very interested in entering this upcoming lectra competition and take full advantage of it for my collection it’s amazing!!

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