Thursday 26 November 2009

PPRD cont..

3 anxieties of 2nd year
well you know me as I don’t get stressed but anxious well maybe a little for me the 3 things I think would have to be:-
- COLLECTION - what if it doesn’t work out like I want it to

- TRYING TO HAVE ME TIME- everyone knows that you all need some time for you but what if you don’t get that time, it can seriously unmotivate you

- WHEN ITS OVER WERE NEXT - I don’t think I cud entre industry atm I’ve still got a lot of fun and experimenting to be had.

Sumthing I feel good about?
My skills and abilities I believe I’ve progressed so much and it’s just about perfecting and tweaking those little bits for example a year and a bit ago I didn’t no squat about fashion came from textiles so didn’t no much but knew I wanted to explore it and I think I’ve done a grand job progressed so much and thinking forward where do I want to go??

What makes success?
well to me ultimately me you got to be loving the thing you’re doing and its working out pretty well to me and I’m seriously enjoying it so to me what makes success other than me well persistence love wanting to improve and gain understanding, motivation and striving towards your ultimate goal NEVER SETTLE FOR SECOND BEST!

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