Thursday 26 November 2009

good ol pprd

Think of something you’ve become good at?
Moderns and pattern cutting

how did you become good at it?
Practice wanting to become better at it and getting taught it the way I learn

something’s you feel good about?
Me I love me ....... and being able to follow something through all process design to garment

what evidence do you bear this on?
Me bit well I am awesome ;) ........ Last year’s CDP unit having my outfit in the fashion show

one learning experience that went wrong and why?
some sampling in textiles a-level trying to hot glue gun netting (warning: don’t pick it up it burns and wraps around your hand ---> lots and lots or pain, and burns all over my hand!!), though I still think it’s always worth experimenting and trying new things pushing boundaries

5 people that inspire you, why they inspire you, how they became successful, what drove them, what can u learn from them?

1) Vivienne Westwood - so passionate, still pushing boundaries, she knows where she came from and hasn’t forgotten about it or thrown away her ethics in an industry where things have been very lax, she became successful by experimenting and pushing boundaries creating new twists on old principles, passion drove her and a want to change things, always try pushing boundaries they are there to be broken.

2) Lady GaGa - she never gave up trying to become what she is and her uniqueness, she’s sexy weird and wonderful I love her, she kept getting knocked back and did what every she cud just to get to play her music even go go dancing in clubs just to get air time in the clubs, passion and believing in herself, take on her spirit things might not work out the way u want them to so change it!! live the life you want to lead

3) ME, Myself - my chilled outlook on things but at the same time still be able to get things done, just wait 1 day I will be, my friends my family and me, don’t change who u are to please others and don’t let things stress you out making yourself stressed is stupid and I don’t have time for stupidity when I’m having this much fun

4)Ralph Waldo Emerson - his ability to influence and inspire others inspiring young minds to look for a new start, a beauty, a mystery, giving perennial inspiration leading people on new paths and giving them new hop, teaching his theory’s and thoughts his books, the ability to inspire people

5)Muhammad Ali - he refused to go to war and had his boxing title's and his boxing licence suspended just because he stuck up for what he believed in, worked his way up to the top to become 1 of the greatest heavy weight boxing champ of all time, never forget your beliefs

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